Since 2000, SC MICRON SRL manufactures components and subassemblies for the refurbishment of the thermal power plants in Turceni, Rovinari and Craiova I and II, including the thermal power plants in Bucuresti Sud and Bucuresti Vest.
The company also exports components and subassemblies for countries like Germany and Switzerland.
The company specialises in the manufacture of subassemblies and spare parts for the energy industry, and we list a few products from the manufacturing program:
-fan stator;
-fan rotor;
-sicromal spare parts;
-gas channels;
-take couplings;
-heat compressors;
-sealing devices on dust electric fans;
-intermediary case screens;
-air throttle;
-rotor bars and pallets;
-electrical filer accessories for electrical and thermal power plants;
-mazut sealing ring